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● サイバー関西プロジェクト(CKP)とは  ● 具体的な実験活動  ● 会員団体一覧 
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Cyber Kansai Home Pageに含まれる全てのデータは、特に表示された場合を除きサイバー関西プロジェクト(CKP)が著作権を保有しています。情報収集以外の目的でこれらのデータの利用を禁止します。CKPの文書による許可を得ない限り、CKP以外の第三者が販売、出版などの手段を問わず、これらデータ利用による利益を得ないこと。これらデータを複製、印刷、配布する場合はCKPの文書による許可を得ること。これらデータを複製、引用する場合はその内容に

"Copyright (C)1997-Cyber Kansai Project. All rights reserved."



All of the data featured on Cyber Kansai Home Page,unless otherwise indicated, is the copyright of Cyber Kansai Project(CKP). The use of any data featured here, other than for information - gathering purposes, is strictly prohibited. No party other than CKP shall profit financially from the use of this data, whether through sale, publication or any other means, unless granted written permission by CKP. Parties wishing to copy, print or distribute any of this data must obtain prior permission, in writing, from CKP. If any of this data is copied or used as reference, it must be accompanied by the printed phrase,

"Copyright (C) 1997-Cyber Kansai Project. All rights reserved "

The data provided here is current as of the time it was uploaded, but CKP does not guarantee its usefulness or completeness. CKP also does not assume any responsibility for injury to a user of this home page, or any third party, for whatever reason.

If the terms outlined here are revised or changed, the most recent terms shall be applicable.

The contents of this home page are subject to change without notice. Parties interested in carrying any of the information given here in magazines, newspapers or other mass media are requested to contact CKP in advance.


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HOME ● サイバー関西プロジェクト(CKP)とは  ● 具体的な実験活動  ● 会員団体一覧 
● 組織体制  ● 規 約  ● ネットワーク図  ● 会員申し込み